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Little Beach Road

The Little Potion Co. Green Luck Fairy - Magic Dust

The Little Potion Co. Green Luck Fairy - Magic Dust

Regular price $12.95 AUD
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I am the LUCK fairy. I have a deep connection with earth and like to bring new growth and health during times of change. I love to use my green sparkles in times when I feel nervous or anxious. Use my dust in potions to help with nerves in times of change or in potions related to growth. Be careful where you leave my sprinkles, it may grow lucky money trees.

Add this magic dust to your potion making for extra fizz, sparkle and magic. For optimum fizz, slowly add teaspoons of water to the magic dust. 

30ml PET plastic bottle with a bamboo cap.

Please re-use me! Bottle your potion back up to use as a liquid another time.


Ingredients: Bicarb, citric acid, food dye, mica and bio glitter 

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